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Meditations for Busy People
Welcome! (1:02)
How this course works
Breathwork to calm
Abdominal breath (breathwork basics) (1:51)
Resonant breathing (2:04)
Cold air breath (1:57)
Relaxation breath (4:47)
Relaxation meditations
Deep relaxation meditation (5:53)
Ebb & Flow breath (2:59)
Just be (1:06)
Grounding meditations
Waterfall grounding (2:06)
Tree roots visualisation (2:34)
Mountain grounding (2:50)
To help you sleep (2:01)
Ground as you walk (1:31)
Work place meditations
Intention setting to start your day with purpose
Box breathing for focus and clarity (5:32)
Energising breath for lulls in the day (4:51)
Power up to motivate (3:18)
To reframe imposter syndrome (3:20)
To gain creative inspiration (2:31)
Coffee break reset (1:38)
When your to-do list is too long (1:17)
To ease the atmosphere between yourself and a colleague (1:18)
Problem solving meditations
To work through a difficult emotion or a problem (4:20)
Boost your intuition (3:46)
Heart centre breath (3:01)
Labyrinth meditation (0:24)
Mindset meditations
Daily affirmations
Gratitude meditation (4:27)
Gratitude list
Move into your power meditation (4:34)
Mindful parenting meditations
Grounding & revitalising buggy walking (4:10)
Bond with your baby (3:13)
Soothing sounds (1:31)
New parent affirmations
Meditations for crisis moments
Grounding breath (2:24)
To stabilize, centre and ground (3:02)
Bringing joy (4:49)
Mindful magic
Mindful sea breathing (2:02)
Sounds of Africa (2:01)
Rain falling (2:01)
Chakra clearing
Wind visualisation (2:08)
BONUS: When you have zero time
Meditative rituals
Thank you so much! (0:42)
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Welcome to Short & Sweet: Meditations for busy people!
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