How this course works
Thank you so much for subscribing to Short & Sweet.
I channelled these meditations with busy people in mind. Whether you are a first time meditator or have been meditating for years, they will bring you new ideas and inspiration to fit meditation into your life.
Nature is the ultimate healer and so, the meditations are inspired by our natural environment and more specifically, the four elements of air, water, fire and earth.
Here’s how it works:
- the meditations are split into categories to address specific issues eg relaxation, grounding, energy clearing, mindset training, energising;
- I have listed the benefits of each practice;
- my guides last between 2-5 minutes long. You can lengthen/shorten your own practise to suit you.
- the meditations are designed to fit into your busy life;
- dip into them when you need, no need to follow them in sequence;
- either listen to them as a guided meditation; or
- allow them to be your inspiration when you are out and about. They are designed to be simple for you to remember without access to your phone or your computer. So for example, if you need focus, independently practise box breathing for a few minutes. Or if your inner critic is showing up, tap into the mindset meditations.
My intention for you is to make meditation effortless, joyful and part of your daily routine, starting with the smallest of steps. Noticing how the cold air feels when you breathe, learning how to ground yourself into the earth, mindfully listening to the sounds of your environment, tapping into the calming qualities of the sea to relax, using the wind to clear negative energy. Each of these small steps hold countless benefits to you, pull you out of auto pilot for a moment and give you a small but essential fire break in the busy lives we lead.
I hope that you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed the creative process of making Short & Sweet and thank you again for joining me.
Lots of love,